Archive for the ‘Daily log’ category
Synectar One – week 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13
Three weeks are gone. Ok, maybe five. But we are back and alive.
Synectar One – week 8
Infusing hemp + the beginning of the seed season.
Synectar One – week 7
What it’s like to cover your flat in dust and drink chalk as a reward.
Synectar One – week 6
Thursday waterfall and getting ready for a mix-up.
Synectar One – week 5
What do you think, have we been eating Synectar even after we finished the original one-month experiment?
Synectar One – day 28
It looks like just another daily summary. But who would think that it’s already been a full month of our experiment as of today? We congratulate ourselves for taking it this far! And you should too!
Synectar One – day 27
The sheep and the bigfood.
Synectar One – day 26
Juraj’s lube collection. And we begin with cooking.
Synectar One – day 25
How to sacrifice schnitzel for science.
Synectar One – day 24
Esophagi and temporary gas.