Synectar One – day 21 + weekly summary

Coming home and three weeks have passed.


I prepared Synectar in the morning, before going out, but I planned drinking it only later in the evening, during my ride home. I solved the breakfast and dinner with goodies on Coffee Fest.

Skipping part of my going home ritual of buying a baguette on the bus station was not easy but there was Synectar waiting in my backpack.

Not too long after the bus started I shaked my shaker and started to feed myself. Truth to be told, I wasn’t too thrilled about eating plain Synectar again. This was my 5th day in a row without any flavour. Acid reflux was latent and steady, it came after every sip and disappeared quickly after. I ate almost all of Synectar during the ride but I totally looked forward to cabbage soup which was waiting for me at home.

Summary after 3rd week from my point of view:

  • The biggest problem is still the acid reflux. I need to dive deeper into the depths of internet and study other people’s experiences. What I disagree with is treating acid reflux with medication, what seems to be the most usual way to treat it. I have no acid reflux from normal food so there is no need for medication for me.
  • Next problem, not new again – taste. The flavour needs to be changed and experimented with regularly because it starts to be unpleasant quite quickly (but I lasted on plain Synectar for breakfast for 5 days, I think it could be worse).
  • Synectar-on-the-go (when you are traveling) has its pros and cons. There is no need to buy food and one dose is quite small. On the other hand, shaker is often unusable space. You can’t put anything in there when it’s dirty. So there is no definite answer to this. It depends on the length and type of travel.
  • Very big plus is still the time saving. Even with all the mixing and preparing it doesn’t take too long. Breakfast is ready in a minute.
  • Low-carb breakfast is ok for me when there is a classic lunch after. Switching dinner for low-carb Synectar seems like a better idea. I’ll test Mana (it’s made according to official RDAs) and maybe I’ll change Synectar recipe slightly.
  • I continue with this experiment. I’ll look closer to eliminating long lasting problems.


I woke up at like half past one in the afternoon so I missed the breakfast. I had some leftovers from Friday for the lunch and went out for the evening so this was the first day completely without Synectar in the last three weeks.

So, three quarters of the month are already behind us and here’s the summary again.


  • I got completely used to this – I don’t really have anything to write about any more
  • the stool is more or less always alright and the gases disappeared
  • I’m still losing weight, but I feel great and energized physically and mentally
  • DIY approach to powdered foods allowed me not only to change the flavours this week but also regulate my intake of salt per day


  • sometimes I get this strong cravings for something truly unhealthy, like some burger from McDonald’s, but I can usually withstand them
  • I can’t think of anything else right now and I’ll continue with this experiment
Synectar One - day 20
Synectar One - day 22