Author Archive for Juraj

  1. Well, here’s the infamous “last post”

    All good things come to an end – except this one actually doesn’t…yet.

  2. Blendrunner update – filters, responsivity and more

    The long awaited filter functionality finally live on Blendrunner.

  3. Have some Synectar Keto, y’all

    Releasing European ketogenic DIY powdered food recipe to the public.

  4. Synectar Cookies

    Tired of drinking that slimy mess?

  5. Synectar One – week 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13

    Three weeks are gone. Ok, maybe five. But we are back and alive.

  6. Soylent alternatives around the world, part 3

    And now for something completely similar…another six Soylent alternatives!

  7. Synectar One – week 8

    Infusing hemp + the beginning of the seed season.

  8. Synectar One – week 7

    What it’s like to cover your flat in dust and drink chalk as a reward.

  9. Synectar One – week 6

    Thursday waterfall and getting ready for a mix-up.

  10. Soylent alternatives around the world, part 2

    The next six ultimate foods you can find on the market.