Synectar One – day 11
Banana here, banana there and continuing with the hemp
I left my mind wander the evening before and it came back with an idea of adding a banana to Synectar (not just for scale). As I was imagining it before sleep, I stared looking forward to it.
So in the morning I prepared my usual dosage of powder and oil and put banana in there. I had to use hand blender again this time. Ok, I didn’t have to, but I wanted the banana to be blended, I didn’t want to eat it in one piece. The blending went quickly and smoothly.
Of course, the consistency was thicker than usual. The taste? Veery good banana shake, not too sweet. I ate during my walk to office again, but because I went there not too long before the lunch, I drank only half of Synectar. I didn’t want to skip the Thursday pork schnitzel.
I ate the rest some time between lunch and dinner and it still tasted really good, the last sips maybe a little less, but I had not problems to drink it all. Dinner was solid again, slightly smaller than usual.
With the use of banana I probably killed the low-carbness of Synectar in its current recepture, but the taste change was really worth it. Increased density caused greater feeling of being full therefore one dose was enough for about 1 and a half meal.

This photo composition came together with the idea of adding banana. I called it “banana in a cage”.
I had Synectar prepared according to the new hemp (dayum) recipe for breakfast and I found it a little bit sweeter than yesterday. I don’t know whether it’s because my tasting buds are getting used to this recipe or because my cold is fading away.
I had normal lunch and dinner, though I have a feeling that I ate less than my normal portion for the dinner (but not for the lunch!).
Stool is totally normal, even the gases went, I guess they were transfered to Pavol or something like that.