Synectar One – day 16

Evening goodbye to beef and a banana dream.


Yesterday I realized that I didn’t have acid reflux in the evening so I made a strategic decision to have Synectar as a dinner. It was the last dose of current beef protein batch so I allowed myself to make a photo of said protein in its natural environment.

As a way of saying goodbye (but not for too long) I decided to introduce it to the pumpkin oil with net weight of 7g with its companion olive oil, weighing 10g. Regular reader surely noticed some discrepancy from the original recipe. With adding 2g of oil I’m compensating a slight decrease of calories in beef batch as whey protein is a little bit more (10kcal for 100g) caloric.

The taste was again driven mostly by the pumpkin and it was very pleasant. I even had a feeling, that the pumpkin flavour slightly decreased the bitter aftertaste of this beef mix. Acid reflux didn’t pay me a visit this time.

The last thing I’m going to talk about in this log and which the regular reader surely eagerly awaits, is my stool. And not the one I’m sitting on now. My morning “outputs” moved from type 4 of the Bristol scale to somewhere between type 5 and 6, which is still considered normal and even ideal (type 5), by various internet sources. I’ll gladly inform the regular reader about this matter (pun!).

A look into the beef protein

Beef protein in the package. Its shape resembles something familiar but I couldn’t find out what.


Appetite for a true banana didn’t leave me so I liquidized one into my lunch Synectar yet again. Even though I used a conspicuously big banana I’d say one more piece wouldn’t hurt the flavour or the consistency. Nevertheless it was still better than normal unflavored hemp Synectar.

I’m glad that it’s possible to change the flavours this way – it means that I’ll be able to leave out the vanilla protein completely some time. Though I like the taste of vanilla protein, I still haven’t researched how this flavour is produced and what effect it can have on my health considering the long-term consumption. I’d replace it with the unflavoured whey, or maybe pea or rice protein. I just have to devour those 3 tonnes of vanilla protein that I bought in the foolishness of my youth.

For the dinner I had to prepare the vanilla version of the hemp recipe again, as I ran out of the unflavoured protein. I just poured a little less water than usual for a change, but it tasted a bit too hempish.

Synectar One - day 15
Synectar One - day 17