Soylent v médiach od piatku do piatku – týždeň #48

Súhrn článkov inšpirovaných Soylentom, v médiach po celom internete. Týždeň #48 – 21. 11. 2014 – 28. 11. 2014


Tento súhrn sme sa rozhodli pripraviť, aby nikomu neušli novinky ohľadom Soylentu a jeho alternatív. Dúfame, že sa vám bude páčiť a že budeme mať dostatok materiálu aj v nasledujúcich týždňoch, aby sme mohli v podobných článkoch pokračovať.

Tento súhrn bol taktiež uverejnený na Reddite.

Solo Sailor Crosses Atlantic Surviving on Liquid Supermeal Ambronite

November 21, 2014

Liquid Supermeal Ambronite: Solo Sailor Crosses Atlantic Surviving on Organic Meal Replacement Powder that Rivals Soylent


The future of food: Crushed bugs, chemical elixirs and apps

November 23, 2014

What is the “next course” for humankind? A glass of a nutrition drink called “Soylent”? Along with some freeze-dried ice cream like the astronauts eat for dessert?


No more cooking, no more food? Rob Rhinehart on food substitute Soylent

November 23, 2014

Software engineer Rob Rhinehart, 26, turned to food engineering when he decided he did not like cooking or shopping for food.


Soylent self-test: live a week of powder

Originál v Nemčine:

Soylent-Selbstversuch: Eine Woche von Pulver leben

November 23, 2014

Soylent is the opinion of the inventor on the food of the future. In Germany, the product is called Joylent and our editor has tested it.


Originál v Nemčine / Anglický Google preklad (dostatočný)

Soylent: The product of an overworked society

November 24, 2014

Soylent is cheap, beige and asks a compelling question on its website: “What if you never had to think about food again?”

It is intended to be a liquid meal-replacement by the original creator, Robert Rhinehart, who believes that human beings waste far too much time, money and energy on eating meals that often lack nutrients.


Sally Hall: Forget trying to save time on not cooking – it’s one of life’s joys

November 25, 2014

It was a question I knew the answer to straight away – and one that started a fierce pub debate.

Would you rather go for the rest of your life without eating, or with no further (in Bill Clinton’s parlance) sexual relations?

I couldn’t imagine a life without food.


MANA, božská potrava z laboratoře

November 25, 2014

Když vyvedl Mojžíš s Áronem židovský národ z Egypta, aby doputoval přes poušť do země zaslíbené, zřejmě nepřemýšlel nad tím, co v ní budou jeho bratři jíst. Synům Izraele se stýskalo po masu a chlebu a spílali prorokům, že je chtějí umořit hladem. Naštěstí tu však byl Bůh, který lidem na zem seslal manu – božský pokrm, který je čtyřicet let živil a který jsem byl i já vyvolen ochutnat.

Nedávno nám přišla do kanclu dost zvláštní pozvánka. Stálo v ní, že jsme zváni na testování „nejvyspělejší potraviny současnosti” jménem MANA, která započala svou cestu nápravy současného stravování.


Improved Soylent 1.2 Shipping: New Formula Removes Animal Products, Now Vegan

November 26, 2014

Soylent, the food substitute, has improved their formula and put out Soylent 1.2, which will be the only formula shipped from the factory from now on. The changes in the ingredients have made it completely animal-free, which means that it’s (probably) not people for certain now.


The future of what we eat

November 27, 2014

Mayonnaise made without eggs, burgers without meat — a beige drink instead of dinner? Welcome to the food of the future, Silicon Valley’s latest target



Rob Rheinhart spomenutý tu:

A Soylent spomenutý tu ako post-jedlo:

Soylent a alternatívy vo svete, časť 1
Soylent a alternatívy vo svete, časť 2